Automated running-in stands are used for testing and cold running-in of gasoline or diesel internal combustion engines (ICE).
- Automatic positioning of the internal combustion engine and its docking with the electric motor of the stand.
- Measurement of torque during straining and rotation of the internal combustion engine. Determining the torque balance.
- Checking the pressure, flow, temperature, position sensors installed on the internal combustion engine (crankshafts and camshafts, dampers). Sensors are tested for breakage, short circuit, signal level, number of pulses, etc. Tests are carried out in static and dynamic modes.
- Testing of actuators for operability (dampers, pumps).
- Automatic refueling and testing of the fuel system. For gasoline engines, the fuel system is tested with air, for diesel engines - with the help of a special liquid (the parameters are similar to diesel fuel).
- Checking the operation of the fuel injectors of the internal combustion engine (response speed, currents, pressure drop in the ramp).
- Testing of preheating plugs and intake heater.
- Testing the operation of the turbocharger.
- Measurement of noise and vibrations of internal combustion engine components and assemblies. Identification of inconsistencies in the tested units according to parameters such as vibration level, sound pressure level, extraneous noise, grinding, howling, whistling, bearing noise, etc. Determination in which gear or bearing these inconsistencies occur. Making a final conclusion on the quality (suitability) of the tested internal combustion engine.
Measurement of air flow in the intake and exhaust system at various operating modes.
- The construction of graphs of transients, the issuance of a detailed final report.
- Executive systems and mechanisms. They consist of a closed housing, a drive electric machine, a docking system, shaft speed sensors, shaft torque sensors, pneumatic cylinders for moving and fixing mechanisms, servomotors for moving mechanisms.
- Transport system. For moving pallets with internal combustion engines. Performs automatic feeding of the tested internal combustion engine to the test stand, return and issue of the internal combustion engine after the tests.
Control cabinet, power cabinet. It is a complex of interconnected electrical cabinets containing elements of protection, switching and control of electric motors of the stand, as well as power distribution systems between the main consumers of the stand.
- The control panel on the lever system.
- Specialized pallets for basing and connecting ICE test subjects.
- Vibroacoustic analysis system.
- Operator's workplace (server) with the special software and hardware "Equimetric".